“We came not knowing what to expect, and by the time we left we were totally blown away. It was definitely worth the drive from Waterloo. And it feels good to know there are still people who believe in world peace, and work to achieve it. There was amazing energy in your yard on Sunday. Ghandi and Martin Luther King would have been proud of you.”
~Jim Illig~ (Waterloo, ON)

“Thanks to you and Michael for putting together such a great lineup for this year’s concert. Jim and I are both looking forward to sharing Labour Day with you once again so please sign us up. I used PayPal to pay for the tickets. Also want to let you know that we’ll be staying at the Clarion in Fort Erie. I’ll make our reservations in a couple of minutes. Thanks again for organizing this event. It’s great to end off the summer with good music, good food and good friends – some we know well and some we’ll meet for the first time. Take care!”
~ Marlene O’Brien (Waterloo, ON)

“We had an awesome time on Sunday. The music was (of course) amazing, the company couldn’t be beat, the food was great, and we couldn’t have asked for better weather. Thanks, and there are only 362 sleeps until the next Pickett for Peace.”
~Jennifer & Lindsay Hollister~ (Stratford, ON)

on display
Creative at heart with a flair to be different, Valerie is a Netherby native who currently resides in Ridgeway, Ontario.
She primarily works with Paverpol to sculpt her unique, one of a kind pieces and draws her inspiration from her passion for nature and the Great Lakes; incorporating pieces of driftwood, bark, stones, acorns and lake plants.
This is a relatively new adventure for her and she is reaching out to learn new techniques. Her work is generated from the still, silent, space we all have within us.

Michelle Anne Morrisey is a veteran art teacher specializing in media arts and design technology. She has exhibited in numerous group and solo shows over the past 20+ years. She prefers to work in assemblage and mixed media incorporating her box constructions, photography, and found objects collected from her many travels.
“All that I create is a form of reclaiming, recycling and repurposing weathered and worn material. But I’d like to think my work is more like a re-gifting of lost or expired stuff back to the earthly cycle.”
“The process of making, experiencing, and understanding art is closely tied to our personal and social knowledge. Art practice is not only a part of art history, but also of our collective human experience. By focusing on broad ideas about cultural history, technology, film. poetry, I encourage students to see visual art practice as part of a larger framework.

You were a good friend, Scott. R.I.P.