
Thank you so much for your donation!

With your kind and generous contribution, we will continue to present world class musicians, etc. on our outdoor stage at our home in Crystal Beach, Ontario every Sunday of the Labour Day weekend in September… as long as we have breath!

If you haven’t yet attended our unique CONCERT FOR PEACE, we want you to know that we deeply appreciate your donation and hope that you will one day join us to experience this very special and magical event. The atmosphere is rich with world class music/musicians, fabulous home cooked food, and folks who share in our desire for a peaceful world, a clean and healthy environment… a sustainable planet. 

No politics.  No sermons.  A peaceful and special time to be enjoyed by ALL.  

Guaranteed.  Every time.  Rain or shine.


With sincere gratitude,

Michael & Louise Pickett

All proceeds, after expenses, go to